Tuesday, July 2, 2013

An Unqualified Yes.

"The dramatic change in the lives of people touched by the power and presence of God through the early church proved to be a nearly irresistible magnet, drawing many to believe in and follow Jesus Christ...It was clear to observers and participants: God was at work transforming individuals and communities through this new movement...

"Today people still look for evidence of God's transforming presence in the church and in the world. When they find evidence, they often turn toward it, seeking to be close to the God who is obviously at work changing lives in dramatic ways...

"The congregation where signs and wonders are evident is the congregation that finds new people coming to be touched by the transforming presence of God. In Acts we read of transformation that leads from sinfulness to holiness of life...This transformation is promised in the Gospels by the One who came that all may have life and have it abundantly...

"Where are the signs and wonders of God's active and transforming presence most visible today? How can you and I make ourselves and the entire church more available?...One way the early church made itself available was by always giving an unqualified yes when God invited obedience, witness, and service...

"Can we do as much?"

-Reuben P. Job, A Guide to Prayer for All Who Seek God

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