Friday, February 1, 2013

Saying Yes and Saying No, Part 2

"Even though we may not fully understand where this response will take us and though some of us will resist, still God waits for our yes...

"When Mary said yes, she could not have known about the silent night of birth in a stable or the angelic hosts singing and praising God. Would she have known about the visit to the Temple with twelve-year-old Jesus? Could she have foreseen that her son would willingly place himself in harm's way for the sake of others? Would she have said yes if she had known about the betrayal of her son that would lead to his public scourging or his trip to Calvary and crucifixion?

"Mary only knew for certain that if she said yes to God, everything would change. And so it will be with our yes. An old age may end and a new age begin with the yes we speak...each time we say yes, the Holy Spirit overshadows us and something new comes to birth in us...

"Perhaps not fully comprehending what our yes may mean, but in faith that surpasses our knowledge and trusting God with our very lives, may we boldly say with Mary: 'Here I am, the servant of the LORD; let it be to me according to your word.' So be it. Amen."

-Helen Bruch Pearson, Mother Roots

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