Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Polish Prayer Requests, April 2013

Last Tuesday afternoon we got to spend a few precious hours with some of our friends who minister in the Sweet Surrender coffeehouse/house church  in Krakow, Poland. It seems that many of them have had a difficult last few months, and we promised them that we would continue to pray for the following requests:

For our American friend H., who attends the church and helps out quite a bit with church/shop special events: she's working more as an English tutor, which is both good and exhausting; her dad continues to struggle with very painful, possibly terminal cancer; and she's working to receive her Polish health certification so she can help even more in the coffeehouse. 

For our English friend J., who's been a great friend and ministry partner for the volunteers in Krakow: his family is reeling a bit, as one of his uncles recently died quite suddenly; another uncle just narrowly survived a very serious heart attack; he continues to feel a call to ministry in Poland, but is seeking God's long-term plans for his life.

For our American friends B. and M., who helped take our place at Sweet Surrender: their son recently spent 3+ days in the hospital after severely burning his arm; their family continues to struggle with illness and fatigue; they prepare to take more of a hands-on role in the coffeehouse and house church as another volunteer prepares to go home for deputation in a few weeks.

For our American friend T., who continues to help mold and focus the leadership vision for the house church: he's working hard to fit serious language study into an already-busy schedule; he's taken on more responsibility by joining a local gospel music association board; he' splaying an active role in developing the small group ministry in the Nazarene house church; he and his family have been a huge source of support and encouragement to the Mission Corps volunteers since we've been away!

For our Polish friends and family in Krakow: that God would encourage two of our friends who have taken in several foster care children and are now struggling with employment issues; that God would continue to foster a spirit of inclusion and reconciliation in amongst the families and volunteers in the house church; that God would honor and bless the leadership of our friend T. as he seeks to provide a model of servant leadership for the future. 

Please help us lift up these praises and concerns to the Father! :)

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